Grow from cuttings

We all love plants and especially when we have a plant, or a friend has a plant that we like very much, we want a second. Then, what better way is there to get a second than to take plant cuttings. Because when we take a cutting, you will be able to get a copy of the plant. As opposed to when you use that plant’s seed, which is that plant’s child and will be slightly different.

Things to keep in mind for cuttings

Seeing as we tend to want to take cuttings from plants because they are so beautiful or strong. It might seem unnecessary to say that obviously, your plant should be healthy when taking a cutting. Because a weak or sickly plant won’t be strong enough to survive long enough for the forming of new roots.

The second thing to keep in mind would be that you want to use green stems to use for the cuttings. Those are the new growth, and therefore also have growth hormones in the plant cells to start new roots. Not only that but the cell walls are also somewhat softer, which will help the roots to form.

Lastly, you will want to keep the leaf nodes in mind. A leaf node is where the leaves grow out of the stem. These areas will sprout new growth, whether it is new leaves or roots. Ideally, you will want at least one node, and it would be even better to have two under the earth. That way, the roots can start growing from those points.

How to take your plant cuttings

Sharp and clean, those are the two main things to keep in mind. You want your knife to be nice and sharp, that way there won’t be any ragged edges where bacteria can hide. You will want to cut your cutting of slightly below a leaf node, then take off the leaves of one or two leaf nodes above that. Make sure there are still leaves above the now bare stem so that it can still convert energy. If you have big leaves, you might want to cut half of them off to avoid too much water loss.

But just as important it is to have a sharp knife, you also want to make sure it is properly clean. For, you might unwittingly contaminate your new cutting with some fungal spore of a diseased plant that you cut before. So make sure that your knife is clean and if in doubt a bit of alcohol to disinfect the knife won’t do any harm.

Why use rooting hormone for plant cuttings

Rooting hormone can be very useful for when you wish to propagate a plant. Especially for some of the plants that aren’t as vigorous growers as some plants. Like mint, which will grow without even trying. But some other plants might need a little more encouraging, and rooting hormone will be just the thing to help these plants grow. You simply sprinkle a little bit of the rooting hormone on the stem of your cutting. Then put your cutting into the pot with earth and wait till you see new growth.

How long will it take

Once you’ve planted your cutting in loose and well-draining soil, you can water your plant cuttings. Then you will want to cover it with something like a plastic bag to keep in the moisture. You can open the bag from time to time, to help air circulation and prevent mold. After about 2 weeks to a month, you should be able to see new growth, don’t despair if you don’t see any because sometimes it can take longer with certain plants.

Step by step plant cutting:

  1. Find a good and healthy plant to take a cutting from.
  2. Cut off the stem right below a leaf node and remove leaves from the bottom two leaf nodes.
  3. Make sure there is about 5 cm of plant that still has leaves, cut the leaves in half if too big.
  4. Cover the bottom of the plant cutting with rooting hormone, then plant in well-draining soil.
  5. Cover with a plastic bag and open every other day or so.
  6. Wait till you see new growth, then repot.

Let me know in the comments how your plant cuttings are faring. If you do grow your plants from seed and you notice they are stalling then read my post on how to get seedlings to grow again.

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