Celebrating spring for a more joyful & simpler life

This spring, bring some hygge into your life by adding some extra special moments to your days. Enjoy the outdoors and breathe in the fresh spring air while you walk in the woods. In the home, you can invite the outdoors inside with some spring flowers and springtime decorations for some extra simple hygge moments.

spring table with painted eggs and a yellow flower

I’ve always had a preference for spring. And not just because it is the season that contains my birthday as well as mothers day. Even though those two days are definitely the cherry on the top of the cake. No, I adore spring for a much simpler reason than the excuse to eat extra cake. I adore spring because all life that was absent for the months of winter return once more and all the colours seem brighter than they were the year before.

Spring somehow has a way of making us appreciate the bright colours of the flowers and the bleating of the baby lambs more than we would in other seasons. Which makes it the perfect season to enjoy some hygge moments and slow down our days for a simpler life.

What is hygge

Hygge (pronounced “hyoo-guh”) is a Danish and Norwegian word that in its most basic sense means cosiness. But it is more of a feeling of enjoyable mindfulness that feels comforting.

Often when people think of hygge they envision sitting on the sofa with a good book and a blanky over your legs. Ideally with some candles lit and possibly a fire going in the hearth. Which is definitely one of my favourite ways to spend my days during winter. But hygge is more than embracing the cosiness of winter.

It is about living in the moment and being mindful about enjoying whatever it is that you are doing. you can hygge alone or together with friends or family and you can hygge outside or inside. It is all about slowing down and appreciating the small and simple things. Making the everyday things cosy and spending time with the people you love.

5 ways to celebrate spring for more hygge moments & a simpler life

going for a walk with the family for some sping hygge time

1. Go for a nature walk or hike

Go on a nature walk or hike in your local park or forest and see if you can find some signs of spring. Perhaps you can discover some lovely daffodils or maybe you spot some birds starting their nests. There are so many things to discover and find that you will be running from discovery to discovery. New flowers that are poking their heads up and leaves that are opening up again.

Usually, foraging hunts are aimed at kids but I would challenge you to try one for yourself. It can be so much fun to go on a nature walk and try and find little treasures that you could bring home. Like a flower, a pretty stone, a pinecone or perhaps an old fallen leaf.

Take a flask of tea or hot cocoa with you when you’re going outside and some snacks to enjoy your walk or hike even more. And don’t forget to take your time to really soak up all the fresh air and spring vibes.

visiting the local pet farm for a spring hygge moment

2. Visit a pet farm

Pet farms are always ever so much fun for young and old. But even more so during spring when all the baby animals are being born. Perhaps you can bottle feed a pet lamb or admire some of the newly hatched chicks. Because nothing says spring more than seeing wobbly-legged lambs run around the fields.

If you have children that you can take along with you I’m sure they would love to be able to see all the animals at your local pet farm. But know that you can totally go to your local pet farm without any children that accompany you. Animals have a highly comforting effect on people’s mental health no matter what their age. So pet farms are the perfect place to get some animal cuddles in.

To make it even more hygge, take some friends along with you and a little picnic if your pet farm allows. So that you can really soak up the moment, relax and recharge.

daffodils in a field

3. Bring spring inside with some flowers

Take spring inside by growing some daffodils in a little pot and keeping them on your dinner table. Or pick some daffodils outside and put them in some water. Perhaps you still have a nice vase, but a teapot or a good-sized teacup will also work.

If you can’t find any daffodils around your area, then other spring flowers will also work. You could even take some branches of the forsythia bush inside. Their branches filled with those gorgeous yellow flowers are sure to liven up any room. I know they remain one of my all-time favourite bushes.

Be sure to take small hygge moments each day to smell the flowers and admire their beauty. Those little moments will slow down your day and make you more mindful at the same time, perfect for simplifying your life.

spring blossoms

4. Let the spring air fill your home

Outside it is getting warmer and the sun is shining brighter. Which is exactly the reason why we would want to open our windows and let all that fresh spring air in. Most of us only air our home on a minimal basis during the cold and wet of winter but now that spring has come, we can get rid of that stale winter air.

Not only will you let in the fresh spring air with all its sweet smells. You will also invite inside all the beautiful birdsong. What could be more enjoyable or more hygge than being able to stand inside your home, smell the fresh spring air and listen to the birds singing while you can look outside for all the life returning.

Savour those little moments where the sunshine is pouring in and inviting you to come outside and feel its warmth on your face. Feel the spring air fill your lungs and bring you back alive, for spring has come.

painted eggs

5. Painting eggs and decorating your Easter tree (paastak)

With the arrival of spring so do the eggs return, our hens start laying again as well as the wild birds that have built their nests. Which means that it is the perfect time to decorate some of those eggs.

You can paint your eggs by hard boiling them or by blowing the eggs out and leaving you with an empty eggshell.

You can decorate your eggs by submerging them into the water with some food colouring to dye them the hard-boiled method works great. If you want to decorate your hard-boiled eggs you will have to eat them within a day or so or risk them going off.

If you want to be able to keep your eggs for longer or you want to hang them in your Easter tree, you will want to blow out your eggs. This is fairly simple although it does require some lung power. Simply prik a hole into the top and bottom of your raw egg and blow into the top until all the egg has been blown out of the bottom. Then you can paint and decorate them however you like. When I was little we would sometimes paint them as chicks or little bunnies and use paper for any ears or beaks that we would want on there. We would also often paint them with stripes or dots or even little flowers.

If you’ve used the second method you can even use a bit of string to hang them up into an Easter tree. Simply bring some nice looking branches inside we would often use the branches of curly willow or forsythia. Since these branches are already decorative in and of themselves. Then hang your newly decorated blown out eggs in your Easter tree, you could even add some ribbons or tiny chicks to brighten your Easter tree up even more.

view of a river with the setting sun

Enjoy a hygge rich spring

When you’re welcoming spring this year, be sure to savour the small little moments. Have fun with your friends and family and relish everything that has to do with spring. Notice how sweet the air smells and how cute the little lambs in the fields are. Take some time apart and enjoy a walk in nature, but most important of all ensure that you keep it hygge and keep it simple.

If you want to share your favourite way to hygge during spring or just your favourite thing about spring in general. Then leave a comment down below or send me a DM on Instagram.

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