We try and work harder and do more. But to what end? What would happen if we just take a step back. If we just take some time to simply enjoy ourselves. What can we gain from doing less?

I’m not the only one who feels almost constantly overwhelmed with the workload they have heaped onto themselves. Therefore I will declare that we should all try and take a step back.

Through the years, I have done so much that I thought I would never be able to manage. And although I love that feeling of accomplishment that goes along with it, I started to become exhausted. A near constant demand to learn, cook, clean, socialise, entertain, educate, & just work harder and harder.

But no more, I will strive to do less. Less time learning yet another new skill that I have no time to put into practice anyway. And less time spent doing what I feel I should do.

That also means that, this much loved website will have to take a step back. Instead I will post my thoughts, challenges and only post recipes and tutorials when I have the time to write them.

So that I may have more time for the things I enjoy. And I hope that you will feel inspired to do the same. More time spent lying in the sun while reading a book. More time playing games or reading with the children, let the cobwebs multiply & the dishes stack, leave the weeds run rampant & the shirts unmended.

Right now is the time to take a deep breath & enjoy life. We aren’t on this earth to work but rather to enjoy each other’s company.

And however much this modern society might want us to do more, we should try to do less & enjoy more.

So stop to smell the roses today, tomorrow & every day after

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