Showing: 12 RESULTS
frugal ways to stay warm in winter

15 Old-fashioned & frugal ways to stay warm in winter

There are more ways to stay warm than simply turning the heating up. There are more sustainable and frugal ways to stay warm in winter. More similar to how our grandmothers stayed warm during this season. So I listed my own tips and tricks that I’ve used over the years, to stay warm in winter while being frugal.

5 tips to enjoy the perfect summer nature walk

Few things are better than going for a nature walk on a warm sunny day. But what could have been a lovely day at the park can quickly turn into a sweaty and uncomfortable occasion. But with these 5 simple tips, you can fully enjoy your lovely summer nature walk.

CLEAN UP your neighbourhood this EARTH DAY for a happy planet

On April the 22nd, it will be Earth Day, and what could be a better day to do a clean-up of our outdoor spaces. So why not join me today and pick up all or some of the rubbish you find outside. Because every bit of plastic removed from our natural environment will improve our planet’s health.

Why I absolutely love drying laundry outside and you might too

Nothing beats fresh clean laundry, drying in the sunshine, and being blown in the wind. Your clothes will smell lovely and fresh, and you will even save some euros on your bills. So if you’re not currently line drying your clothes, you might want to try it and see if you like it.

Emigrating to Ireland, finding a home

When moving abroad, it can be daunting and overwhelming, you might only focus on one aspect of it, and forget the rest. But it is important to not forget a major aspect of moving abroad, the new house.
So how do you find a new house when moving to Ireland?

Waiting for spring after a long winter

Like most, I dream of spring during winter, of the return of lush green grass and yellow daffodils popping up. Pining for birdsong to fill the mornings and the sun to warm my face.

Heating with oil in Ireland

Heating your house with oil. Here in Ireland, it’s a regular occurrence, especially in the more rural areas. But how does it work exactly and why do people use it? Like most people I know, I’ve only ever heated my house with gas or electricity. But our new home is heated through oil, so I’ve done some digging on heating with oil.

Why a nature walk is important for a simple life

A walk is such a simple thing. It can clear your head and bring peace to your soul. I find it to be an essential part of a more mindful and simple life. For a walk, especially in nature, will help you focus on the present. It will help you to slow down and see all the beauty that life has to offer.

Emigrating from the Netherlands

Moving can be a rather daunting undertaking, and moving to another country can be even more overwhelming. But by having a good plan and a thorough to-do list, it becomes much more feasible. I know it helped our family a lot when we moved, and I hope my experience can maybe be of some help to you.