Daily walk for a slow and simple life

A walk is such a simple thing. It can clear your head and bring peace to your soul. I find it to be an essential part of a more mindful and simple life. For a walk, especially in nature, will help you focus on the present. It will help you to slow down and see all the beauty that life has to offer.

While walking down a country lane, you will be able to see a little robin sitting in a bush and happily singing its song. Or while walking in the woods, you spot a squirrel busily gathering acorns on the ground. These little moments bring such joy to a day that might otherwise be just like any other. But because of the walk outside, you get to discover these moments of magic. And can’t we all use a bit more magic in our lives.

photos of a butterfly, a waterfall and a river. To enjoy a simply life through nature walks.

But why

Is a nature walk so important, whether it is a daily walk or a weekly one. Depending on your source, we either have to walk 6000 steps or 10.000 steps. Or they don’t count steps at all and focus more on the time spend on exercise. But what they do all agree on is that walking is good for your body and mind. Your heart will be stronger, which results in less risk of heart-related diseases. As well as strengthening your muscles and bones, which is rather important since they are vital for any type of movement. But not just your body will improve, but your mental state will even improve from a regular walk, add in some nature, and the benefits are even greater. This is because multiple studies have shown that when humans are shown pictures of things like trees, they actually become less stressed. So the combination of walking in natural surroundings will almost guaranty that you will feel happier.

photos of a field, a bridge and a duck

Slow down for a simple life

Even by taking just 10 minutes out of your day to go for a walk in a park, you will be forced to slow down and focus. This slowing down is something we all can use because by slowing down, we begin to appreciate our life more. Which is the first step to create a simpler life for yourself. One that makes you feel appreciative, one that will help you to slow down and smell the roses. And while you’re outside smelling flowers you might want to forage for some hawthorn. It will help you focus on the small things that are all around you that you otherwise might miss because you’re on your phone. Which would be such a pity, for that would mean you missed that squirrel gathering its acorns.

photos of trees and a squirrel

I hope that you will feel inspired to go outside and take a little walk, surrounded by trees, plants and countless animals. 

And may you encounter some magic of your own.

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