Fully appreciating the early morning rise

Rising early means you have the privilege of listening to the early morning birdsong, watching the sunrise, and enjoying those early quiet hours. As a mom, I have a lot that needs to get done. And I find that I can get a lot more done with a productive morning routine and so will you.

As parents, we all need to get a lot of things done in a day. And I find that having a good productive morning routine really helps. For some reason, those 24 hours allotted to us feel a whole lot longer when you have an early start to the day. Even though it often means going to bed a bit earlier, resulting technically in the same amount of hours in your day. What’s more, is that you get the luxury so often absent from parents’ lives. A cup of tea or coffee in a quiet house.

So many people dread waking up early, but it really isn’t that bad. I find that if I go to bed at a reasonable time, that I often wake before my alarm goes off. I find that having something to motivate you to wake up helps a lot. For me, I like to read whatever novel I’m reading at that time, but it might be something different for you. It works like a carrot on a stick. It will motivate you to get up when all you want is to stay inside your warm comfortable bed.

My morning routine

At six in the morning, my radio alarm clock goes off. I wake up and listen to the songs on the radio. Or grab my book from my nightstand and read for a bit. Slowly but surely, I wake up until I get up for a wash and get dressed. My husband and I take turns at the washbasin and chat about our plans for the day. I love these moments where everything is quiet, and we just get to chat.

Once I get downstairs, I head to the kitchen to put on the kettle and fix both of us some tea. I head out into the garden to pick some herbs for the tea. Which allows me to enjoy the crisp morning air and listen to the bird songs. Some days it is cold and wet outside, which prompts me to head back inside asap. While on other mornings, you can sense the promise of a warm afternoon perfect for garden work. When back in the kitchen, I brew some tea and prepare the kefir for the next day. Then I feed the sourdough starter called Bob or bake the bread I started the previous day at noon.

Once all of that is done, I get to sit down behind my laptop with my cuppa tea. And get some computer work done and write for you guys. I love the fact that by rising early, I get to have this quiet time that allows me to do all these things. Because by the time I get my girls up to start their day, I’ve already been able to check off a lot from my to-do list. Which allows me to fully focus on them and their schooling for the day. The knowledge of already having done all those things, helps me to be more relaxed and thereby a better parent.

Key points for any productive morning routine

Depending on where you are in life, and what your responsibilities are. Your morning routine will look different from other people’s. After all, we’re all different, and we all want and value different things. So it stands to argue that everyone’s morning routine therefore will also be different. But there are some common denominators that will help you to create a productive and satisfying morning routine.

Now I have to start by saying that I believe in above all else you have to be kind to yourself. Any habit that you want to foster and develop needs to be a habit that you can do long-term. It is arguably useless to get up at 5 am if you can’t sustain that and/or if it goes at the expense of your mental health. So be honest and realistic with yourself. Set your goals lower than you feel you can achieve, and then raise the bar incrementally. This way, you will keep yourself motivated, and you are more likely to succeed.

Getting up

What time do you want or aspire to get up? What time are you currently getting up? If there is a lot of difference between those two times. Then you might want to take small steps towards your goal. For instance, if currently, you’re used to getting up at around 9 in the morning. And aspire to start your morning at 6 in the morning. Then maybe start with waking up at 8:30. Then when you’ve gotten used to that time, you can wake up around 8 in the morning. Until you feel comfortable with getting up around 6 in the morning. Not forgetting of course, that you still need enough sleep. So you would simultaneously work on an earlier and earlier evening bedtime.

Make sure you listen to your own body and mind when it comes to what time you want to start your day. Just because I like waking up at 6 in the morning doesn’t mean you can’t wake up earlier or later. We are all different and depending on where you are in life, your morning routine will look different. I do find that consistency is key though. So make sure it is something you like to do all week long. Not to say you can never stay up late or sleep in. But try to make those occasions the exception instead of a habit. If you do this, you will find that you will automatically wake up at the same time every day.

Do something just for you

As a wise woman once told me, you have to scratch your own back because no one else will do it for you. So make sure that you add something into your morning routine that is just for you. That makes waking up at a certain time feel absolutely worth it.

Maybe the thing you want from your morning is just a silent house, or maybe, it is the ability to lie in bed while reading your favourite book. I know that I adore being able to lie in bed reading my book early in the morning. But you might just want to drink a cup of coffee or tea in peace. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it helps you enjoy and relax so that you’re ready for the day to come.

It might feel counterintuitive to spend time on yourself when all you want is to be as productive as you can be. And I ain’t saying that you have to spend a long time on indulging yourself. It all depends on how much you want/need. But we all need to be kind to ourselves. As well as trying to better ourselves and being productive. For if you’d only focus on productivity, and you only force yourself to work harder and longer you won’t actually get anywhere. Like so many people nowadays you’ll run the risk of burning out. Far better to find a balance between caring for yourself and challenging yourself. So start your day with a good balance, and you will find that your day will be more pleasant while still being very productive.

Make happiness a priority and be gentle with yourself in the process

Bronnie Ware

Because what is a productive life if you’re not happy? 

What tasks do you need/want to get done?

Now that we’ve covered what time we want to get up and how and why to incorporate some self-care. It is time to address the productivity of your morning routine.

  • What do you want to get done in the morning?
  • How long would all of that take?
  • Is it possible to do all of those things in the morning, or are you trying to cram more into your time than is possible?

Once you’ve figured out for yourself what you want to get done during the morning and if your goal is realistic or not. You can decide what you will do first. Will you first do your productive tasks and then enjoy some peace and quiet with a cup of coffee. Or do you prefer to first, sit and relax and then get to your tasks of the morning?

I prefer to do my relaxation first thing in the morning by waking up while reading a good book. Then I get going on my morning to-do list. I find that this way, I can be most productive. But if you prefer to treat yourself to something relaxing as a sort of reward, then by all means do your relaxing thing after you’ve checked off your to-do list items.

And don’t forget to be realistic with your goals for your productive morning. If you find you’ve added too many tasks, then remove one or two so that you can get them done in the allotted time.

What does your ideal morning look like?

Always remember that just as we as people are all different and unique, so will our morning routines will be different and unique. Don’t just copy some else’s productive morning routine but create your own. Create a productive morning routine that works for you. A morning routine that helps you to get things done while also allowing you to relax and enjoy life.

How would you design your ideal productive morning routine, and what would it look like? What time would you get up, and what would you do with your time? Please let me know in the comments or send me a DM on Instagram.

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