Showing: 4 RESULTS
Growing a winter garden

What is a winter garden & how you can grow one

Growing a garden in winter isn’t as strange as it might seem at first glance. Since in most gardening zones, the winters are mild enough for the hardier plants to survive and sometimes even thrive. But how do you create a winter garden, and which plants do you want to plant?

Planning your garden while renting

Even though in the winter it is cold outside. It is in the winter you want to start planning your garden. Because when the weather warms up, you want to be able to start immediately. Without having to think about where and what you want to plant. But how do you even plan if you’re currently renting and can’t alter the yard?

Frosty days and a simple life, appreciating the winter

Part of living a simple life is appreciating the small and simple things in that life. Like the frozen flowers on a cold and frosty morning or the layer of snow on a leaf. It is drinking that steaming cup of tea while you’re breathing in the crisp morning air.

How to propagate plant cuttings

We all love plants and especially when we have a plant, or a friend has a plant that we like very much, we want a second. Then, what better way is there to get a second, then to take a plant cutting. Because when we take a cutting, you will be able to get a copy of the plant. As opposed to when you use that plant’s seed, which is that plants child and will be slightly different.