How to start and what you need

On April the 22nd, it will be Earth Day, and what could be a better day to do a clean up of our outdoor spaces. So why not join me today and pick up all or some of the rubbish you find outside. Because every bit of plastic removed from our natural environment will improve our planet’s health.

Hopefully, we all know that plastic is a big no-no for our planet and all the living creatures on it. Because we’ve all seen the videos of animals being autopsied, only to reveal that their stomach is filled with plastic bits. We all know that the enormous plastic soup that is our oceans is not the way forward.

But luckily, there is something we can do about it too. It might not be perfect or solve the entire problem, but it is a step in the right direction. So I ask you to join me in that step forward and pick up some rubbish on your next walk.

Alone or as a group

Whether you are alone, picking up rubbish, or you’re part of a big organised group, you can help make the world a better place. Because even if you only pick up one small thing each day, it will add up over the year. Because every day should be Earth Day anyways. Right? But, if you only want to collect litter from the streets, on the 22nd of April then that is fine too.

The only thing that matters is that you collect something, even if it is only one or two small things. You don’t need fancy equipment or a vest saying that you belong to a clean-up crew. All you need is a bag to hold the rubbish you find so that you can later chuck it in the right bin.

If you prefer to not do it alone, then ask a friend to join you. You can catch up with each other while you both do something meaningful.

So what do you need to start to clear up some of that plastic waste?

So you want to start cleaning up your outdoor space? That is perfect! Just in case you’re wondering what you might need to get started, here is a small list of useful things to have at hand.

  • Hands (or nimble feet, if your hands are not an option)
  • A bag to hold the collected rubbish (depending on the amount you collect, it can be optional)
  • Gloves (if you are worried about germs or just prefer to not touch soiled rubbish)
  • Thick, sturdy gloves (if you’re going to be picking up sharp or otherwise dangerous objects)
  • Trash picker stick (if the things you’re picking up might be dangerous, or if you’re less agile)
  • An orange vest (if you go picking up rubbish near roads or to improve visibility for safety reasons)

Now don’t think that you need all these things or that picking up litter is that complicated. For years I’ve always picked up little bits and pieces as I go on my daily walk. Because every bottle or can that you pick up is a bottle or can that won’t end up in the ocean or an animal’s stomach.

How did your clean up for earth day go?

Please let me know how your clean-up day went this Earth Day in the comments or send me a DM on Instagram. Did you come across a lot of rubbish? Were there more people cleaning up the park? Do you regularly pick up litter too?

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