Showing: 32 RESULTS

Create a gentle and productive morning routine +self care tips

Rising early means you have the privilege of listening to the early morning birdsong, watching the sunrise, and enjoying those early quiet hours. As a mom, I have a lot that needs to get done. And I find that I can get a lot more done with a productive morning routine and so will you.

10 reasons why you might want to start cooking from scratch

Why would you want to start cooking from scratch in a world where everyone is used to eating premade processed foods? Here are 10 reasons why I think you might want to start cooking from scratch a bit more. Everything from tastier and healthier food to improving your mental health in the process.

5 tips to enjoy the perfect summer nature walk

Few things are better than going for a nature walk on a warm sunny day. But what could have been a lovely day at the park can quickly turn into a sweaty and uncomfortable occasion. But with these 5 simple tips, you can fully enjoy your lovely summer nature walk.

Weeds in your garden? Reasons to love them and how to use them

If you are lucky enough to have a garden, you’ll probably feel unlucky enough to also have weeds in said garden. But why do we despise weeds anyway? Weeds are actually very beneficial for wildlife, and plenty of them are edible or are actually very pretty when they flower. So why not give them a chance and allow a little bit more weeds in our garden and our life.

Why I love CAST IRON PANS & all you need to know

I love cast iron pans and have several of these pans in my cupboard. They are gorgeous and super tough, which makes sure that they will make perfect heirlooms. But what makes them so great actually?

Benefits of drinking loose leaf tea

Most of us are aware of some of the health benefits of drinking our cup of tea. But did you know that you could increase those benefits by drinking loose leaf tea instead of teabags? Not to mention the chemicals that your teabags might contain.

CLEAN UP your neighbourhood this EARTH DAY for a happy planet

On April the 22nd, it will be Earth Day, and what could be a better day to do a clean-up of our outdoor spaces. So why not join me today and pick up all or some of the rubbish you find outside. Because every bit of plastic removed from our natural environment will improve our planet’s health.

Why I absolutely love drying laundry outside and you might too

Nothing beats fresh clean laundry, drying in the sunshine, and being blown in the wind. Your clothes will smell lovely and fresh, and you will even save some euros on your bills. So if you’re not currently line drying your clothes, you might want to try it and see if you like it.

Herbal hand cream tutorial

A lovely herbal hand cream that will leave your hand feeling soft and smooth. It is light and airy with a delicious herbal scent and is ever so easy to make. Because our hands deserve a whole lot of love for all that hard work they do all day.