A summer nature walk for outdoor fun

Few things are better than going for a nature walk on a warm sunny day. But what could have been a lovely day at the park can quickly turn into a sweaty and uncomfortable occasion. But with these 5 simple tips, you can fully enjoy your lovely summer nature walk.

A breeze bringing the scent of some roses growing nearby while you hear the birds singing and the bees buzzing. Stopping at an artisanal ice cream shop to get yourself a scoop or two of frozen goodness which you can enjoy while sitting on the grass in the shade of a big oak tree.

Going for a walk in summer can be all this and so much more. But unfortunately, it can also involve a burned face and shoulders that keep you up at night. Or trying to drag melting children along with you while they won’t stop complaining.

And what you had envisioned to be the perfect day outdoors can turn into something you want to run away from while screaming your throat sore. That is if you still have the energy to run and scream.

But there are a few simple ways in which you can ensure that your summer’s walk will be as lovely and idyllic as you imagined.

Protect your skin

Whether you burn to a crisp as soon as you step out the door like my husband. Or you believe yourself to be above red burned skin. I would argue that you will want some sort of protection from the sun. Especially if you’re going to walk around outdoors all day long. After all, you don’t want to come back home at the end of your walk and discover that you look like a red lobster. Not to mention the increased risk of melanoma.

So either cover up or slather on.

If you don’t like wearing a hat or long sleeves, then you can use some good quality sunscreen with a high SPF rating. This will protect you from the sun and the painful burn that it can cause. Just make sure to reapply it every few hours to ensure optimal protection. And don’t forget your ears, hands, feet, and any other body parts that are exposed to the sun.

If you don’t like using sunscreen, then you can wear some long sleeves to cover up. For optimal protection, you will want a hat to protect your face. Some sunglasses will help to protect your eyes from any UV damage that could lead to reduced vision. As well as some long sleeves and trousers to protect your limbs from too much sun exposure.

If you’re afraid that you might overheat when you cover up like this. Then look at the traditional clothes of the people who live in the desserts. They are completely covered in light and airy fabrics, protecting them from the sun while also keeping them cool.

Get an early start

Getting an early start for a summer nature walk can really make a pleasant walk into an exceptional walk.

As my eldest daughter always says, there is a smell in the air in the early morning that you don’t get any other moment of the day. Something about being up early allows the world to share a bit more of her magic with you. You can hear the birdsong more clearly. The air still has a crisp smell to it. And sometimes, it is so quiet and peaceful that you could feel as if you’re the only person on earth.

We find that starting to walk early in the morning has so many benefits. The sun’s rays are weaker earlier in the morning, making the previously mentioned sun protection less essential. And because the sun is not yet at its highest point, it also tends to be cooler earlier in the morning. Allowing you to walk or hike with vigor without overheating or otherwise becoming uncomfortable. As an added bonus, you get to relax during the warmer middle part of the day after having enjoyed a beautiful walk.

Drink, drink, drink

We all need to stay hydrated, and we all probably need to drink more water than we are currently doing. Especially when we’re walking around outside for longer periods of time. Which becomes even more essential when you’re doing it during the summer months.

When we don’t drink, we can get headaches, chapped lips, and become overly tired. None of which helps when you want to go for a nice summer nature walk. Don’t worry too much about toilet breaks as long as you take plenty of tiny sips throughout your walk, you will be fine. Just try it, and you will find that you enjoy your nature walk far more if you stay hydrated.

Rain during your summer nature walk

Since I live in Ireland, I will almost always take some sort of umbrella with me. Mainly so that the girls won’t get soaked, but sometimes if it’s not too windy, I find it pleasant as well to have one on hand. Especially since so often the rain lashes down for only a minute or two, and in those 2 minutes, you can get soaked through if you don’t have anything on hand.

Depending on where you live, you might also want to pack a small umbrella to take along with you. To help shield you from any sudden downpours. An umbrella works much better than having to rely on trees or buildings to shelter under. And they won’t necessarily always be available. You will enjoy your walk much more if you’re nice and dry, and just because it is summer doesn’t mean that no rain will fall. And if you are in a windier area, then maybe take a small raincoat with you instead of an umbrella.

But if you are in an area where it can get really cold really quickly. Like arid desert-like climates, which are known for quickly lowering in temperature after the sun goes down. If you’re enjoying a nice hike or walk in a mountainous area, you will find that it can also quickly cool down. Since when the sun goes down, it isn’t as gradual as in less mountainous areas. So having a warm jumper or cardigan on you will help you to stay warmer if the temperature does suddenly drop.

Soak up the landscape

Take plenty of breaks to soak up the landscape and enjoy the scenery. After all, the most important thing in life is to pay attention and enjoy the small and simple things in life. So take the time to sit down for a bit, maybe have a drink and a snack while you watch the bumblebees on the wild rose bush next to you. Watching bumblebees is one of my favourite things to do in nature. There is something about them that enthrals me, the way that they slowly go from flower to flower with their fluffy bum covered in pollen. It feels like something special and magical, which always stops me in my tracks and forces me to watch them.

Enjoying a picnic

Have a picnic halfway through the day, enjoy a chat and have a laugh. Pack a delicious picnic in the morning or prepare it the evening before. I always like to add at least one or two pasties for everyone. But some fruit is always pleasant too, just make sure it’s a fruit that will wear the travel well, so no berries or anything. If you really want some, you can always try and forage for some during your walk. We always thoroughly enjoy that. A simple sandwich or a nice wrap is also always a good bet since they are filling and easy to eat without cutlery.

A few good tips to keep in mind are. Can it be stored outside of the fridge for half a day? Can it be bounced without bruising or falling apart? Is it finger food, or can you turn it into finger food? An easy way to turn certain foods into finger food is by turning a pie into a pasty. I often do this with my gravy pie recipe, I use the same filling and the same pastry but use it to make pasties. Which you can do by cutting out a circle of dough, placing the filling in the middle, then folding it over and closing the sides.

Regularly taking breaks will help you to truly see your surroundings and appreciate them more. Whether you take your break while sitting down on a bench or while still standing and soaking up the mountain view. Have them often and use them to take a deep breath and appreciate the moment. This way, you will feel more energized, which will help you to enjoy your walk or hike more. And when taking a small break and it coincides with eating a delicious picnic will help keep your energy up too. Which allows you to fully enjoy your summer nature walk all day long.

Enjoy your summer nature walk

Now you can go outside and walk in all your favourite places or go and discover new walking paths or hiking trails. So go and put on a pair of comfortable shoes, wear some comfortable breathable clothes and enjoy yourself.

And when you’re out in nature and soaking up the sunshine. Why not take a picture of yourself with your beautiful surroundings and tag me on Instagram so I can enjoy it too. Or leave a comment down below and tell me about your favourite spots to enjoy a lovely nature walk. One of my favourites is Lucan demesne. Which is a lovely park filled with fairy doors and lots of fun things for the kids. While also enough grand and beautiful nature to be for the grown-ups.

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